05 August 2015

Mini reading for O

I'm conducting what I have deemed a "social media experiment". Calling it an experiment helps to alleviate my self imposed pressure to write a "perfect" blogpost. Or a perfect Instagram post. I'm posting a snippet on Instagram and then posting a more in depth analysis here. I oftentimes find myself paralyzed by fear of failure/success -two sides of the same coin. My hope is that this "experiment" will prod me to step out beyond my tarot comfort zone (read: inside my house, literally & figuratively.) For this experiment, I will be using the Darkana Tarot.

Today's two card draw is for O. O asked, "How can I finish paying for the 'dream suite'?" This question pertains to the 3DS game Animal Crossing. Such is the depth of an on the spot request for a question from a youthful gamer.

O drew The Sun. Here we can see a black cat and a Siberian husky puppy frolicking under a radiating sun. When I read tarot, the answer is often concise and doesn't necessitate interpretation of twenty different symbols. This reading is exemplary of that brevity. Clearly, O's reading suggests that in order for the 'dream suite' to be paid off, O must continue to play. Pretty simple, yes? And in all likelihood, exactly what needs to happen in the course of a video game.

I also considered the card at the bottom of the deck during this reading. The King of Wands suggests that O is quite passionate about this gaming goal, or maybe just gaming in particular. Interestingly, yes, O is very passionate about gaming, & in particular Animal Crossing at this time. O pursues this interest with almost a single minded passion. Hence, the issue at the bottom of the question points to someone who is extremely knowledgeable & dedicated to a particular interest.

In a nutshell, this reading is right on & I didn't even need to analyze more than just the face value of the cards. Granted, the question was fairly shallow & therefore the answer wasn't deep. No need for that here. I love that about the tarot: it gives back exactly what is needed & what is put into it.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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