20 August 2015

A 10 of wands kind of moment turned chariot turned manifestation or ...?

Standing in line at the high school, waiting & waiting to register my 12th grader for senior year. It seems an uphill climb, 30 people deep. What can I accomplish while I stand here? Blog post! Start a FB account for my business? Draw a card & post on Instagram. Turn it into a Chariot moment.

All of the previous "stations" have been easy with no lines. This 6th station is for the nurse & all of her paperwork. Literally, this wait is on a ramp, the 10 of Wands epitomized it seems. Instead of looking at it like it's a chore, I'm going to take the time to chill with my daughter; these moments will become fewer and fewer as the year goes by. Taking charge here, with what I've got to work with instead of complaining about something over which I have no control really.

Finally finished with that line, we've moved on to the next to the last station. The next hallway has 4 tables on the right, spread out evenly, one for each grade level counselor. On the left, along the lockers, are people sitting in folding chairs waiting. Thinking that they are all waiting in front of their respective tables, we've walked toward the front of the line, near the senior counselor's table. Wait, what? ALL of those people are waiting for the senior counselor??! Dang. All the way back down the hall we go, to the end of the line. I kid you not, this line is 100 feet long. Well, maybe 60, but still. Thus starts the second hour of our time at registration.

Ok, so we've been waiting for 30 minutes and the line is inching along, literally -probably 10 feet. My god, we'll be here all freaking day at this rate. They seriously need to get some people to help that solo counselor with this line. My guess is that it takes longer for the senior registration because they not only have to ok their schedule, they have to make sure that they've got the correct credits needed for graduation. They also have to read and sign the senior contract which ensures that each child knows what they need to do to graduate and acknowledges that they understand the requirements of participating in commencement (92% attendance, I think, which comes out to no more than 13 absences in the the 9 month school year.) I can only imagine this takes so much time because so many of the kids need to change their schedules. What the heck else can it be? This day is for last names starting with A-L or something, the beginning of the alphabet. Are there that many seniors with those letters? Is it that the beginning of the day had shorter lines and this is what happens when kids don't wake up early? (or registration, like school start time, is scheduled unnatural to teens' circadian rhythms?) I don't know. It's hot as cuss with no A/C. So thankful that the littles are old enough to not have to bring them along to these things. I feel for the moms who have babies & toddlers in tow.

Wanting to see exactly what the heck is going on, I pulled a card from The Wild Unknown tarot.

Aha, the 5 of Swords. In a traditional RWS deck this would be a card indicating to cut one's losses. Just pick your battle & let go. However, my first thought was, "The line is going to be cut in half". My second thought was, "Ha!" lol. 

BUT, once again this deck doesn't pussyfoot around the truth. Within minutes, all of the counselors have been pulled from the other grades' tables and are now helping with the senior counselor's line. 

We were finished in about 10 minutes and on to the final stop at the ID picture booth where there was one person in front of us. Woo hoo! Was it manifestation? Was it "fortune telling"? I don't care. The important thing is that, once more, this deck was more accurate than I could have imagined. 

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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